Get a Library Card
Apply for a Card
- Apply for a library card at the circulation desk.
- Patrons looking to apply for a library card will be asked to show proof of residency with signature.
- Library Cards are issued for 3 years. You will then need to renew your card for another 3 years.
- Only for residents of the Bay Shore-Brightwaters School District.
- If you don’t know what School District you are a part of, use the Long Island Index Map and search your address.
Get a Card Online
- Fill out the form to get a library card online. Valid for 30 days.
- Come to the library within the 30 day window to complete the process and get a physical card issued to you.
Acceptable Documents for Proof of Residency:
- A current New York State Driver’s license. (If the patron has recently moved, there are instructions on the reverse for changing his/her address.) Patron must change address to receive Library card.
- A current official non-driver identification card, or recreation card, with address and signature and expiration date.
- Medicare/Medicaid or other health card that gives address, signature and expiration date.
- In the absence of any of the above, the Library will accept a current tax receipt or lease giving address. Persons presenting this form of proof of address must also present current proof of identification with signature.
- Mail or most bills are unacceptable as proof of address.
- The Library will accept utility bills (telephone, water, gas or electric) in combination with other proof of identification.
- The Library will accept Medicare cards or car registration without signature if they give address in combination with identification with signature.
- If a patron presents proof of residence (utility bill, tax bill, etc.) in combination with address ID from another address, that address must be noted as alternate.
- If one member of a household presents proof of address, the Library will consider other members of that household at that address who have identification but not proof. (e.g. children, retired parents, etc.)
Renew a Card or Lost Card
- Proof of current residence is required to renew a library card. Use the same accepted documents for proof of residency listed above.
- If you have $15.00 or more due on your account, your card cannot be renewed until balance is paid.
- Lost Card: If you lose your library card and would like to get a new one, there is a $2.00 replacement fee.